The purpose of the #TransJusticeSyllabus is one of open, public education regarding trans, nonbinary, and intersex issues in sociology, academia, and society at large. This syllabus provides suggested readings framed by a central theme regarding trans justice. The syllabus should be understood as an always already partial list of readings. As such, this syllabus is a live document that is meant to be developed, adapted, shared, and used for educational purposes. We also have provided a syllabus template that you may use to develop your own course.
We do ask that when this syllabus is used that the source is acknowledged. Acknowledging the source is a means of recognizing the labor of marginalized communities, creating networks, documenting our histories, and tracing power.
If you are planning on adapting this syllabus for a course of your own:
- Be sure to include the following disclaimer statement at the top or bottom of your syllabus: “This syllabus was adapted from the “#TransJusticeSyllabus compiled by the Sociologists for Trans Justice Committee for Advancing Trans, Non-binary, and Intersex Schoalrship” and include the link:
- Send a courtesy email to, notifying us of your intention to use this syllabus.
Suggested ASA Citation:
Committee for Advancing Trans, Non-binary and Intersex Scholarship. 2021. #TransJusticeSyllabus. Sociologists for Trans Justice. <>
Following the recommendations of Dr. Z Nicolazzo, should any person want to honor the labor and effort it takes to create and maintain this syllabus, you can contribute financially to trans people in several ways, including:
- Making a one-time or ongoing donation to community-based trans organizations;
- Contributing to causes and initiatives tagged with the #TransCrowdFund hashtag;
- Ensuring that trans people, particularly trans women of color, are brought to your campus/organization/association and compensated fairly for their intellectual contributions.
- Volunteering your time to work alongside trans-centered and led committees and organizations including Sociologists for Trans Justice.
Different Teaching Resources
The #TransJusticeSyllabus focuses on learning at the intersection of transness, Blackness, and Indigeneity. If you’re looking for a comprehensive list of trans studies topics for teaching, check out the Trans Studies Bibliography. If you are looking for a focused reading list on #BlackTransLivesMatter or #ProtectTransYouth please check out these more targeted readers. The Trans Justice Syllabus and the Trans Studies Bibliography are both living documents: click here to learn how to submit new resources or provide other feedback.