Sociologists for Trans Justice (S4TJ) was founded in 2016 by Dr. Eric Anthony Grollman and Dr. Laurel Westbrook as an independent initiative to advance transgender justice in and through sociology. In the past seven years, we have worked to raise public awareness about transgender, non-binary, and intersex communities, drawing upon sociological insights in trans, non-binary, and intersex studies. We have pushed the discipline of sociology to take seriously and advance scholarship on trans, non-binary, and intersex communities, and to include and support trans, non-binary, and intersex sociologists (no matter their research interests).
In order to inform the public and our colleagues about our goals and efforts (and to celebrate our victories!), we release a progress report each year. Below, we are pleased to update you on the progress we have made during the 2022-23 academic year. This report was prepared by S4TJ Chair Alex Hanna along with the S4TJ Executive Council; you may reach us at And, during the year you can stay up to date with our efforts through our Google groups listserv.
Chairs: Alex Hanna
S4TJ Chair Position and Executive Council
Alex Hanna served as chair, prabhdeep singh kehal served as secretary/treasurer, alithia zamantakis served as chair of the Supporting Trans, Non-Binary and Intersex Scholars committee; Kit Myers and Atticus Wolf as co-chairs of the Advancing Trans, Non-Binary and Intersex Scholarship committee, and the Advancing Public Understanding of Trans, Non-Binary and Intersex Issues committee was led by MJ Hill and Elle Rochford.
For the 2022-2023 academic year, our progress was made possible by the hard work of three S4TJ committees: 1) Advancing Trans, Non-Binary, and Intersex Scholarship, 2) Supporting Trans, Non-Binary, and Intersex Scholars, and 3) Advancing Public Understanding of Trans, Non- binary, and Intersex Issues. You can see a description of these positions on our site. Thank you to all of our committee members for their hard work this year!
Advancing Trans, Non-Binary, and Intersex Scholarship
Co-Chairs: Kit Myers & Atticus Wolf
Syllabus and Teaching Committee
Members: Carey Jean Sojka, Rosalind Kichler, Derek Siegel
- Trans Justice Syllabus
- Update as needed in accordance with S4TJ’s 2020 Statement on Racial Justice
- Collaborate with webmaster to incorporate syllabus into the website (beyond PDF viewer) with hyperlinks.
- Collaborate with Public Understanding to advertise Syllabus to sociologists, trans studies scholars, and the public
- Trans Justice Bibliography
- Finalize the first draft, drawing on original S4TJ Syllabus
- Develop method/guide for continual maintenance and publication on the website
- Consider clarifying names (Trans Studies Bib?)
- Monitor the bibliography’s intersectional representation including the process for adding & naming what exists
- Collaborate with Public Understanding to advertise Syllabus to sociologists, trans studies scholars, and the public
- Teaching Trans Studies
- Produce materials that will encourage people to teach trans, non-binary, and intersex studies scholarship across the discipline.
- Example: Sample syllabi sections for different courses (i.e. a section someone could add to the intro, social problems, etc., but also any and all other courses taught in sociology…perhaps start with courses based on section names)
- Collect activities, assignments, and other course materials on trans studies in sociology classrooms (possible collaboration with Trails)
- Produce materials that will encourage people to teach trans, non-binary, and intersex studies scholarship across the discipline.
- Webinar on teaching trans, non-binary, and intersex studies
- Develop a plan for webinar structure & dates.. This can be panel presentations or a “lab” style where folks give each other feedback
- Trans Justice Bibliography
- Draft has been finalized
- Guide for the website has been developed
- Names have been clarified
- Currently monitoring the content and will continue to do so
- Collaborated with Public Understanding to advertise Syllabus to sociologists, trans studies scholars, and the public and will continue this effort
Writing Workshop Committee
Members: Wynn Strange, Penny Harvey, Jennifer Lai
- Put together opportunities for scholars in trans, non-binary, and intersex studies to share writing (including articles, chapters, and grant proposals) and get feedback. This could occur at all relevant conferences as well as virtually.
- Maintain writing support systems
- Peer review database
- Writing support drop-ins
- Maintain writing Facebook group
- Work on guidelines
- Gauge interests/needs of members
- Communicate about resources and how writing is broadly defined
- Writing workshop for Spring/Summer 2023
- Formalize panelist selection, invites, etc.
- Formalize a way of bringing people to moderate panels, etc.
Updates: No updates for this year.
Experts and Grants Working Group
On Hiatus
Supporting Trans, Non-Binary, and Intersex Scholars
Co-Chair: alithia zamantakis
Members: Max Osborn, Christina Pao, Katie Moran, Han Koehle, Kayla Heddens, Melody Huslage, Mahala Stewart, Jinsun Yang, Hayden Fulton, Erika Slaymaker, Ethan Levine, Eli Williams
Mentorship Committee
Members: Ethan Levine and Eli Williams
- Using a previous template, the mentorship committee developed a new mentorship survey that they sent out to the S4TJ listserv. A total of 16 people responded with seven wanting mentoring, seven wanting to mentor, and two wanting both. All pairs were arranged and will be followed up within the Fall.
Best Practices Committee
Members: Mahala Stewart and Erika Slaymaker
- The best practices committee reached out to Manuscript Central about changing gender pronoun and title options. They said it was up to each journal so the committee is reaching out to each individual sociology journal to address this now.
Conferences Committee
Members: Hayden Fulton and Jinsun Yang
- The conferences committee organized a social event for attendees of ASA, SSSP, SWS, ABS, and other co-occurring conferences in Philadelphia. The event will take place Sunday, August 20th, time and location TBD.
Grad Student Survey Committee
Members: Max Osborn, Christina Pao, Katie Moran, Han Koehle, alithia zamantakis
- The grad student survey committee decided to use the prior survey as a pilot. The committee examined the previous instrument, reflected on what was worded well, what limitations there were, and what they would like in a subsequent survey. The committee will be developing a new survey instrument beginning in September 2023. This survey instrument will include randomization, as well as a new sampling strategy, and will be potentially seeking out some funding for the survey.
Advancing Public Understanding of Trans, Non-binary, and Intersex Issues
Co-Chairs: MJ Hill & Katie Mueller
Committee Members: Bee Ben Khallouq and Myra Haverda
- Actively run the Sociologists for Trans Justice Facebook & Twitter accounts; Consider Instagram or other social media as well.
- Collaborate with and assist other committees in publicizing S4TJ work with listservs, social media, and other outlets
- Work with the Executive committee to develop letters to the editor, public statements, and newsletters
- Assist in maintaining and contributing to S4TJ blog
Updates: This committee had no updates for the year.