We are eager to provide you with an update of the incredible work happening in Sociologists for Trans Justice. Please mark your ASA (American Sociological Association) 2017 meeting calendars – we will hold the second annual S4TJ forum at ASA on Sunday, August 13th from 8:30-9:30pm in Palais des congrès de Montréal room 518C, following the ASA Sociologists’ LGBTQ Caucus meeting in the same room.  During our meeting, we will review our work for the past year and look ahead to the next.

Below, we offer a report on the work of our five committees since the February 2017 progress report.

Committee on Advancing Trans Studies in Sociology (and Beyond):

  1. Launched a website, s4tj.com (@TransJusticeSyllabus on Twitter), where they will soon publish the #TransJusticeSyllabus of recommended readings to provide proper context to understand contemporary trans and non-binary issues. You may email suggested readings to asatransjustice [at] gmail [dot] com.
  2. Published a compendium of resources on trans studies on the #TransJusticeSyllabus here: https://www.s4tj.com/2017/06/08/trans-studies-resources/.  You may send other datasets, print matter, visual arts, conferences, organizations, and other academic resources in trans studies to asatransjustice [at] gmail [dot] com.
  3. Currently developing a list of scholars of trans studies in sociology for sociological journals to aid reviewers in finding appropriate peer reviewers.  You may sign up to be a potential reviewer for manuscripts on trans issues here.
  4. Successfully proposed a regular session on Trans Studies at ASA, beginning with the 2018 meeting in Philadelphia, PA.

Committee on Advancing Public Understanding of Trans and Non-binary Issues:

  1. Launched a database of experts in trans studies who can be contacted by reporters who will cover trans and non-binary issues in the news: https://www.s4tj.com/sociologists-for-trans-justice/experts/. (Complete this form to be added to the expert database.)

Committee on Eliminating Transphobia and Cissexism in Sociology:

  1. Working to create safe spaces for trans and non-binary scholars at sociology organization meetings.  In April, successfully hosted a Trans and Gender Non-Conforming hospitality suite at the Southern Sociological Society 2017 meeting in Greenville, SC.
  2. Submitting proposals to sociology organizations to print gender pronouns on conference attendees’ name badges. SSS agreed to do so beginning with its recent 2017 meeting.  ASA will include a spot to write one’s pronouns on one’s name badge at August’s meeting in Montreal. Ultimately, the committee’s goal is to make collecting information on conference attendees’ gender pronoun(s) standard practice, rather than a special option added on after the fact or that must be requested by individual attendees.
  3. Currently developing a “best practices” infographic resource page for sociology departments and, later, LGBTQ/multicultural campus centers, counseling centers, health centers, and other offices on campus to advise how to best support trans students and faculty members. This infographic will be released in the couple of months.  In the future, they will also launch a trans scholar interview series to aid in understanding trans needs on campus.
  4. Currently developing a survey on trans and non-binary graduate students in sociology that will be launched following ASA’s August meeting. The survey will cover experiences in academic training, teaching, job searches, discrimination and harassment, student life, and institutional life.

Committee on Advancing Trans and Non-binary Sociologists:

  1. Has launched a mentoring program for trans and non-binary identified sociologists at early career stages (e.g., graduate students, assistant professors). Sign up by 7/22 if you would like to be assigned a faculty mentor: https://baldwinwallace.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4HLnbNNCO21PZfT. Mentors can be any gender, and should be comfortable addressing the unique interests and needs of trans and non-binary early career scholars; you may sign up to become a mentor by 7/22 here.
  2. Proposed changes to how ASA asks members’ gender identity and expression for demographic profile. ASA’s Committee on the Status of LGBTQ People in the Discipline will review their proposal at the August ASA meeting in Montreal. Please note that status committee meetings are open to all ASA members, so we encourage you to attend to take part in this important conversation.

Committee on Professional Development for Trans and Non-binary and Trans Studies Scholars in Sociology

  1. Was also working on a mentoring program, so may join forces with the above committee to avoid unnecessary duplication. Has been developing a best practices guide for mentors to understand the unique issues faced by trans and non-binary sociologists.
  2. Will continue working on other projects to enhance the professional and social well-being of trans and non-binary scholars in the discipline.

(Note: the graduate student committee has been absorbed into the other committees in light of overlapping projects.)

You may email us at sociologistsfortransjustice [at] gmail [dot] com with any general questions or suggestions you have about the work of Sociologists for Trans Justice. You may stay up to date through our listserv. We hope you’ll join us at the S4TJ forum at ASA on Sunday, August 13!