Advancing Public Understanding of Trans, Non-binary, and Intersex Issues, Advancing Trans & Intersex Studies in Academia, Advancing Trans and Intersex Studies at Sociology Conferences, All Posts, Committee News, Featured, Home Page, News & Media, Resources, Supporting Trans, Non-binary, and Intersex Scholars
Category: Advancing Trans and Intersex Studies at Sociology Conferences
News, discussion, and progress updates from S4TJ Committee on Advancing Trans and Intersex Studies at Sociology Conferences.
Advancing Trans & Intersex Studies in Academia, Advancing Trans and Intersex Studies at Sociology Conferences, All Posts, Committee News, Promoting Trans, Non-binary, and Intersex Inclusion at Sociology Conferences, Supporting Trans, Non-binary, and Intersex Scholars
Statement on anti-trans publication ad in ASA Meeting Bulletin
Advancing Public Understanding of Trans, Non-binary, and Intersex Issues, Advancing Trans & Intersex Studies in Academia, Advancing Trans and Intersex Studies at Sociology Conferences, All Posts, ASA, ASA 2022, Committee News, Events, News & Media, Promoting Trans, Non-binary, and Intersex Inclusion at Sociology Conferences, Supporting Trans, Non-binary, and Intersex Scholars
#ASA22 Program Schedule- Trans, Nonbinary & Intersex-related Events
For your convenience, S4TJ has put together a list of trans, non-binary and intersex related events scheduled for the ASA & SSSP annual meetings and preconferences taking place virtually this
Advancing Trans & Intersex Studies in Academia, Advancing Trans and Intersex Studies at Sociology Conferences, All Posts, Committee News, News & Media, Supporting Trans, Non-binary, and Intersex Scholars
Publish Me: Advancing Trans, Nonbinary, and Intersex Scholarship Writing Symposium 2021
The second annual writing symposium is scheduled for August 13-14, 2021. The symposium will be completely online. S4TJ’s mission is to advance scholarship by and/or for transgender, non-binary, and intersex
Advancing Trans & Intersex Studies in Academia, Advancing Trans and Intersex Studies at Sociology Conferences, All Posts, ASA, ASA 2021, Committee News, Events
#ASA21 Program Schedule- Trans, Nonbinary & Intersex-related Events
For your convenience, S4TJ has put together a list of trans, non-binary and intersex related events scheduled for the ASA, SSSP, SWS, and SSSI annual meetings and preconferences taking place virtually